Access - Version 2005 Build No. 12827.20268 Causing Problems
What’s Microsoft Saying
2020-06-24 – Fixed
According to the Access Dev Team, the issue is now fixed for Current Channel (version 2005), the fixed build is 16.0.12827.20470. The update should automatically roll out, but you can manually force it if need be.
2020-06-19 – An Official Fix
A fix has been released under Version 2006 (Build 13001.20198) and is currently available on the Current Channel (Preview) – previously the Insider’s Channel, which is for testing upcoming releases, so not widely available yet. That said, hopefully soon, we will see it get pushed to the Monthly channel.
An update is coming! Microsoft is aware and actively working on this issue and estimate a fix should be available within 2-3 weeks. Obviously, this is an estimate and it could be sooner, or later depending on how the development and testing goes.
Microsoft published a webpage regarding this bug, refer to Access VBA/DAO code may crash or report incorrect data for Decimal columns
This just in from the Access Dev Team!
Very soon, we will ship a new data type, known as Date & Time Extended, which enhances syntax compatibility with SQL while increasing accuracy & level of detail in date & time records.
While the feature is not yet enabled in Current Channel builds, most of the code for the feature is in the product in an inactive state. Nonetheless, we are aware of a problem that currently exists with this new code. As of today, if you are on version 2005, build 12827.20010 or greater, and you manipulate Decimal fields (Access DataType=Number/FieldSize=Decimal, or SQL DataType=Decimal) using DAO (Data Access Objects), you might have identified your app crashing. If you hover a variable with the type in VBA code, you may see that the field is not being displayed properly; either reading as ‘?????’ or giving a Type Mismatch error, or Access may crash.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes in your Access app. The Access team is working on resolving this issue as soon as possible, and we will report back to you once this error has been fixed. In the interim, we’d recommend for you to roll back to a previous version (, or switch to a slower channel (e.g Monthly Enterprise Channel, or SemiAnnual Channel), until the issue is fixed in Current Channel. The issue only impacts Decimal types so if avoiding DAO code that manipulates Decimal types is possible, we’d advise this as a short term solution.
Thank you,
Ebo Quansah
Access Program Manager